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[VUX]∎ Libro Free Harmony Black eBook Craig Schaefer

Harmony Black eBook Craig Schaefer

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Download PDF Harmony Black eBook Craig Schaefer

Harmony Black eBook Craig Schaefer

Since I just read (and enjoyed) the first in Schaefer’s Daniel Faust series, I was really excited to see the first in his new series as a Kindle First pick. Jumped right on it without even looking at anything else. And now, even though I enjoyed it a lot, I’m kicking myself. “Harmony Black” is set in the same universe as the Faust series and there are major spoilers for that series in the first chapter. So I’ll start by saying if you want to read or haven’t finished the Faust series, do that before reading this. Sigh. **

Like Faust “Harmony Black” is demons/angels fantasy not vampire/werewolves, etc. but while the Faust series is pure “pulp noir” fantasy, Schaefer takes on a different style here- I’ll call it “police procedural” fantasy. The title character is an FBI agent and the book centers on her and her team on a case involving child abductions. It could easily be a standard mystery thriller but in this case the crime involves the occult and the agents have their own “magic”.

But it is definitely fantasy so set your expectations accordingly. Not light fantasy with a super powerful heroine and hunky vampire boyfriend. It is grittier, with more violence (but not over the top). In mood and style it feels much more like a suspense thriller. No sex and little, if any, foul language but definitely has “demonic” themes.

I think I may have liked this one even more than the Faust book. In the afterward the author mentions that he wasn’t sure if he could make Harmony Black an interesting and appealing character (she evidently appears in later Faust books). I think that he was quite successful- I liked her a lot even though she clearly harbors some misconceptions about Faust :) I’ll probably still read the rest of the Faust books- I think that one of the “spoilers’ is misleading- but I definitely look forward to reading more about Harmony.

**ETA: See comments. Those who know assure me that this is NOT as "spoiler-y" as it appears. Good to know! But although Harmony can definitely be read as a standalone- and a separate series- I still wish that I had read all of the Faust series first.

Read Harmony Black eBook Craig Schaefer

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Harmony Black eBook Craig Schaefer Reviews

Where to begin?!! Hard to concentrate after having ridden the world's highest, fastest roller coaster!!
Amazing!! Thrilling!! Breathtaking!! This is the first book in years that I literally could not put down!! I am just glad it was a weekend, as I no longer have the fortitude to read all night and work the next day. 😊
This is definitely a stand alone novel. And although there are occult elements in this novel, don't let that put you off if you happen to dislike such reads; the supernatural portions are so successfully integrated into the storyline that after you've finished reading, all you will be aware of is a darned good crime novel with a dedicated, yet whacky cast of characters. Think 'Men in Black', 'X Files', and surprisingly 'Dragnet' all rolled into one....quite successfully, I might add!!
Without giving a spoiler, I did see the answer about halfway through the novel, but so would anyone with an analytical mind. It did not, however, spoil the rest of the book, as I was left wondering how the answer would be applied.
Normally I would add more insights and impressions about such a fine book, but I'm afraid I'm practically jumping out of my skin to read more by this author, having already downloaded another of his books!! 😁
First disclaimer I am a reader of Crime, Mystery or Thriller genre novels, not Fantasy. That being said, I actually liked this book. The protagonist is "Harmony Black" who is an agent for the FBI. She is approached to join a Black Ops organization called "Vigilant" as part of a team called "Circus." Why? Because she is a witch. OK. This sounds like it's way out there in the Twilight Zone to me but Craig Schaefer makes it work for a hard-core Crime reader like me.

The story is told in the first-person and has no sexual content like so many fantasy novels. There is a little bit of attraction between Harmony and a former neighbor boy who is now a Deputy Sheriff but it is short and g-rated. The novel is written like a normal crime story, except the bad guys are demons and the agent is a witch. Much of the story involves regular crime-solving techniques operating in a hidden other-world operating within our "normal" world somewhat like the TV-series "Grimm."

In a nutshell, about every 30 years 6 children disappear from their cribs in a small town called Talbot Cove, Michigan. In each case, the evidence points to a parent being involved. The team who is assigned to hunting down "Hostile Enemy 17" include Harmony, the witch; Jessie, a half-breed, female "Big Bad Wolf';" April, an older lady in a wheel chair; and Keith, a computer hacker. Sounds crazy, but this combination works to make this a great story about chasing down Hostile Enemy 17, aka the "Boogey Man."

Apparently, this is a spin-off of a character introduced in "Redemption Song" the second Daniel Faust novel by the author. However, you do not need to read that series to enjoy this novel. This is a new spin-off series opening up the fictional world created in that series.

Harmony Black is a quick, light, enjoyable read.
The description sounded like it might be a good read. It wasn't. It was a great read! I had never heard of Craig Schaefer before, but now I will be seeking out more of his books. Highly engaging, highly readable, and captivating. There were some parts that were so chilling that I literally shivered. I won't say which, but trust me -- there's some creepy stuff in this book.

Such a unique genre. Kind of like a supernatural mystery/crime story. A touch of TrueBlood mixed up with Piers Anthony. A bit like Guy Noir meets Friday the 13th. The term "demented fairies" comes to mind, though there are no fairies in this book.

Before today, there were only two books I ever found so captivating that I read them straight through, cover-to-cover, in one go. This was the third.
Since I just read (and enjoyed) the first in Schaefer’s Daniel Faust series, I was really excited to see the first in his new series as a First pick. Jumped right on it without even looking at anything else. And now, even though I enjoyed it a lot, I’m kicking myself. “Harmony Black” is set in the same universe as the Faust series and there are major spoilers for that series in the first chapter. So I’ll start by saying if you want to read or haven’t finished the Faust series, do that before reading this. Sigh. **

Like Faust “Harmony Black” is demons/angels fantasy not vampire/werewolves, etc. but while the Faust series is pure “pulp noir” fantasy, Schaefer takes on a different style here- I’ll call it “police procedural” fantasy. The title character is an FBI agent and the book centers on her and her team on a case involving child abductions. It could easily be a standard mystery thriller but in this case the crime involves the occult and the agents have their own “magic”.

But it is definitely fantasy so set your expectations accordingly. Not light fantasy with a super powerful heroine and hunky vampire boyfriend. It is grittier, with more violence (but not over the top). In mood and style it feels much more like a suspense thriller. No sex and little, if any, foul language but definitely has “demonic” themes.

I think I may have liked this one even more than the Faust book. In the afterward the author mentions that he wasn’t sure if he could make Harmony Black an interesting and appealing character (she evidently appears in later Faust books). I think that he was quite successful- I liked her a lot even though she clearly harbors some misconceptions about Faust ) I’ll probably still read the rest of the Faust books- I think that one of the “spoilers’ is misleading- but I definitely look forward to reading more about Harmony.

**ETA See comments. Those who know assure me that this is NOT as "spoiler-y" as it appears. Good to know! But although Harmony can definitely be read as a standalone- and a separate series- I still wish that I had read all of the Faust series first.
Ebook PDF Harmony Black eBook Craig Schaefer

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